Saturday, October 3, 2009

Bridges To Recovery

Bridges to Recovery (, one of California's only deluxe inpatient residential treatment centers, is designed for those suffering from psychiatric disorders who seek top quality treatment in a distinguished setting. The Center has proven so popular that it recently applied for and acquired a license to provide 6 additional beds at its facility.

For years, America has been fascinated by the frequent trips that the Hollywood elite have made to substance abuse treatment programs. Because of the level of publicity surrounding many of these cases, Americans have become reasonably well educated about "rehab" and as a result, many treatment centers have emerged to treat individuals who are serious about getting sober but prefer a non-institutional and comfortable environment. But for those who suffer from psychiatric disorders like bipolar disorder, depression, post- traumatic stress disorder and other disorders, they have been confined to choose between the traditional and inevitable hospital-based programs.

Bridges To Recovery, located in the beautiful Pacific Palisades of Los Angeles, has been working to bring quality care to these individuals in a home-like, upscale environment. "Often, people with serious psychiatric disorders are left with no other option except hospitalization. At Bridges To Recovery, we believe that by providing accommodations to which the patient is accustomed, a better treatment outcome is possible because the patient is more likely to complete the program," said John Sharp, M.D., and Executive Medical Director of Bridges to Recovery.

The Center's approach has proven so popular that it recently had to apply for an additional license so that it can meet rising demand. "We are pleased to be in a position where we needed to ask for permission to help more people," said Dr. Sharp. "We have always known there was a market to provide high quality care with first rate surroundings."

Bridges to Recovery's treatment program combines intensive, individual psychotherapy along with group therapy in order to provide in depth and holistic, integrated treatment. A top-notch clinical team provides a careful assessment of each patient and then collaborates with the patient to set therapy goals and design an appropriate treatment plan. Clinicians working with the patient consult with one another regularly to assess progress towards the goals, and to set up appropriate discharge plans to help the patient achieve a positive outcome.

"We know from years of experience that some people with psychiatric disorders need a safe residential environment in addition to intensive psychological therapy in order to get better," said Dr. Sharp. "Our patients and their families want the highest quality care in a comfortable environment, and that's what we try to do at Bridges to Recovery," he added. "And we have really noticed a difference", Dr. Sharp concluded.

For more information about Bridges to Recovery, contact Donna Bernstein at (877) 212 0706

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